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May 2018

Khan's Tutorial Staff participating during their annual Leadership Training.

More than a dozen KT students scored a 1400+ on their April & May SATs

Khan’s Tutorial would like to congratulate the following Khan’s Tutorial SAT students for their fantastic scores on the April & May 2018 SATs. Khan’s Tutorial’s highest scorer for this round of scores is Mohammed Uddin with a near perfect score of 1560/1600. Mohammed is currently a student at Stuyvesant High School.

Khan's Tutorial Staff participating during their annual Leadership Training.

Khan Foundation Celebrates Third Year of College Access Program with Graduation Ceremony

Queens, NY— Last week, scholars in Khan Foundation’s College Access Program celebrated their graduation. The ceremony took place at the Harvest Room in Jamaica, Queens. The College Access Program works closely with 12th grade low-income Queens residents and their families to help students find, apply, and get into competitive colleges while helping them secure scholarships. Special guests in attendance include Akshar Patel, Community Liason for Councilman Daneek Miller, Mizan Chowdhury, Candidate for Congress, and Horace Davis, Founder of the Caribbean American Society of NY.