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2020 Cyber Attack

In June 2020, Dr. Khan and his family were victims of a false cyber-attack, through an anonymous social media post. Though the false attack was entirely fabricated, posted, and soon deleted by a single anonymous user with a false pseudonym on social media, the false post was shared widely on social media within the first few days and later written about in a local newspaper.

In response to the false cyber post, Dr. Khan voluntarily stepped aside from his role at Khan’s Tutorial to allow a national reputable law firm, Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney, PC (BIR) to conduct an independent investigation. On Sept 30, 2020, Dr. Khan shared the entire report with the public, staff & families at Khan’s Tutorial.

In summary, the independent investigation did not find any evidence to support the false cyber attack against Dr. Khan and his family. In conclusion, the findings by BIR’s independent investigators fully and unequivocally exonerated Dr. Khan of any of the false claims made in the anonymous social media post.

Dr. Khan returned to his role on Oct 1, 2020. To read the full report by Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney, PC, please click here.