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Regents FAQ

What are the Regents Exams?

The Regents Exams are a set of standardized exams administered to high school students in the state of New York, United States. These exams are developed by the New York State Education Department and are used to measure student achievement in various subjects, including English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies.

Regents Exams are typically taken by students at the end of the corresponding course, usually in the 10th, 11th, or 12th grade. Students must pass at least five Regents Exams to graduate from high school in New York State. The exams are usually administered in January, June, and August of each year.

In addition to the required Regents Exams, there are also optional exams available in subjects such as Art, Music, and Languages Other Than English. These exams are used to demonstrate mastery in these areas and may also be used to earn college credit or advanced standing.

Regents Exams are considered an important part of the New York State education system and are used to evaluate the performance of both students and schools. They are also used to assess the effectiveness of the state’s educational programs and policies.

Why do I need to prepare for the Regents?

Preparing for the Regents Exams is important for several reasons. Here are a few reasons why you might want to take the time to study and prepare:

Graduation Requirement: In New York State, passing at least five Regents Exams is a requirement for high school graduation. If you do not pass the exams, you may not be able to graduate on time or at all.

College Admissions: Many colleges and universities consider Regents Exam scores as part of the admissions process. Scoring well on these exams can improve your chances of being admitted to your desired school.

College Credit: Scoring well on certain Regents Exams can also earn you college credit or advanced standing, which can save you time and money in college.

Future Opportunities: Your performance on the Regents Exams can impact your future opportunities. A strong academic record can lead to better job opportunities, scholarships, and more.

Overall, preparing for the Regents Exams is a worthwhile investment in your education and your future. By taking the time to study and do your best on these exams, you can open up a world of opportunities for yourself.

What subjects are tested on the Regents?

The Regents Exams cover a wide range of subjects that are typically taught in high school. Here are the subjects that are tested on the Regents Exams:

English Language Arts (ELA): This exam measures a student’s proficiency in reading, writing, and critical thinking.

Mathematics: There are four Regents Exams in mathematics: Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and Trigonometry. These exams cover a range of topics in algebra, geometry, and trigonometry.

Science: There are four Regents Exams in science: Living Environment (Biology), Earth Science, Chemistry, and Physics. These exams test a student’s knowledge of scientific concepts and principles.

Social Studies: There are four Regents Exams in social studies: Global History and Geography, U.S. History and Government, Participation in Government, and Economics. These exams cover a range of topics in history, government, and economics.

In addition to these core subjects, there are also optional Regents Exams in subjects such as Art, Music, and Languages Other Than English.

It’s worth noting that the content and format of the Regents Exams can change over time, so it’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest information and exam requirements.

When do students need to take the regents?

The specific timing for when students need to take the Regents Exams can vary depending on several factors, including the specific subject being tested and the student’s academic plan. Here are some general guidelines for when students typically take the Regents Exams:

English Language Arts: Most students take the ELA Regents Exam in the 11th grade, although some may take it in the 10th or 12th grade.

Mathematics: The timing for when students take the Regents Exams in mathematics can vary depending on the specific course being taken. For example, students typically take the Algebra I Regents Exam at the end of the Algebra I course, which is usually in the 8th or 9th grade. Geometry is often taken in the 10th grade, Algebra II in the 11th grade, and Trigonometry in the 12th grade.

Science: Students typically take the Regents Exams in science at the end of the corresponding course, which is usually in the 10th or 11th grade.

Social Studies: The timing for when students take the Regents Exams in social studies can vary depending on the specific course being taken. For example, most students take the Global History and Geography Regents Exam at the end of the 10th grade, while the U.S. History and Government exam is typically taken in the 11th grade.

In general, students are encouraged to take the Regents Exams as soon as possible after completing the corresponding course, to ensure that the material is still fresh in their minds. However, there are often opportunities for students to retake the exams if necessary.

Can I Get Any Scholarships If I Do Well On the Regents Exams?

Yes, it is possible to earn scholarships based on your performance on the Regents Exams. Many colleges and universities, as well as private organizations, offer scholarships to high-achieving students who have excelled on these exams.

For example, the New York State Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC) offers the Regents Scholarship to students who graduate high school with a cumulative score of 85 or higher on their Regents Exams. The scholarship provides up to $1,000 per year for up to five years of undergraduate study at a college or university in New York State.

In addition to state-based scholarships, several private scholarships may be available to students who perform well on the Regents Exams. These scholarships may be awarded based on a variety of factors, including academic achievement, leadership, and community service.

It’s important to research scholarship opportunities early and often, as many scholarships have specific eligibility criteria and application deadlines. Your high school guidance counselor or college advisor may be able to provide you with information on available scholarships in your area.

What are the benefits of a Regents Diploma?

Earning a Regents Diploma can offer several benefits to students. Here are a few reasons why a Regents Diploma can be valuable:

College Admissions: Many colleges and universities look favorably at students who have earned a Regents Diploma. This is because it demonstrates that the student has met high academic standards and has a solid foundation in key subject areas.

Career Opportunities: Earning a Regents Diploma can also improve a student’s job prospects. Many employers value strong academic credentials, and a Regents Diploma can be an important qualification when applying for jobs.

College Credit: Depending on a student’s performance on the Regents Exams, it may be possible to earn college credit or advanced standing in college. This can save time and money on college tuition and may allow students to graduate from college more quickly.

Personal Satisfaction: Earning a Regents Diploma can be a source of personal pride and satisfaction. It demonstrates that the student has worked hard and achieved a significant academic milestone.

Overall, earning a Regents Diploma can be a valuable achievement that can open up a world of opportunities for students. By demonstrating proficiency in key subject areas and meeting high academic standards, students with a Regents Diploma can position themselves for success in college and their careers.

Requirements For A New York State Regents Diploma:

To earn a New York State Regents Diploma, students must meet certain requirements. Here are the basic requirements for a Regents Diploma:

Course Requirements: Students must complete specific courses to earn a Regents Diploma. These courses include:

English Language Arts (ELA): four units

Social Studies: four units, including Global History and Geography, U.S. History and Government, and one additional unit of social studies

Mathematics: three units, including Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II or an equivalent course

Science: three units, including Living Environment (Biology), Chemistry, and Physics or an equivalent course

Regents Exams: Students must pass a certain number of Regents Exams to earn a Regents Diploma. The specific exams required to depend on the student’s academic plan but generally include:

English Language Arts (ELA): one exam

Mathematics: at least two exams, including Algebra I and a second exam (usually Geometry or Algebra II)

Science: at least one exam, corresponding to the student’s science course(s)

Social Studies: at least one exam, corresponding to the student’s social studies course(s)

Other Requirements: In addition to completing specific courses and passing Regents Exams, students must also meet other requirements to earn a Regents Diploma. These requirements may include completing a certain number of community service hours, passing a physical education course, and meeting attendance and grade point average (GPA) requirements.

It’s worth noting that there are several different types of Regents Diplomas available, including the standard Regents Diploma, the Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation, and the Regents Diploma with Honors. The requirements for each type of diploma may vary slightly, so it’s important to consult with your high school guidance counselor or college advisor to determine which diploma is right for you and what the specific requirements are for earning it.

Requirements For A New York State Regents Diploma With Advanced Designation:

To earn a New York State Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation, students must meet additional requirements beyond those required for the standard Regents Diploma. Here are the basic requirements for a Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation:

Course Requirements: Students must complete specific courses to earn a Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation. These courses include:

English Language Arts (ELA): four units, including honors or advanced placement course in English Language Arts

Social Studies: four units, including Global History and Geography, U.S. History and Government, and two additional units of social studies

Mathematics: four units, including Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II/Trigonometry, and one additional advanced math course

Science: four units, including Living Environment (Biology), Chemistry, Physics, and one additional advanced science course

Regents Exams: Students must pass a certain number of Regents Exams to earn a Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation. The specific exams required to depend on the student’s academic plan but generally include:

English Language Arts (ELA): one exam

Mathematics: at least three exams, including Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II/Trigonometry or an equivalent course

Science: at least three exams, corresponding to the student’s science course(s)

Social Studies: at least one exam, corresponding to the student’s social studies course(s)

Additional Requirements: In addition to completing specific courses and passing Regents Exams, students must also meet additional requirements to earn a Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation. These requirements may include:

Completing an additional language other than English (LOTE) sequence, including at least three units of the same language and passing the corresponding Regents Exam

Earning three units of credit in Career and Technical Education (CTE), including at least one advanced CTE course and passing the corresponding CTE assessment

It’s important to note that the requirements for a Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation may vary depending on the student’s academic plan and high school program. Students should consult with their high school guidance counselor or college advisor to determine the specific requirements for earning a Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation.