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September 2016

Dr.Ivan Khan, Mrs. Nayeema Khan, and students for Food Justice.

Khan’s Tutorial pushes for Halal & Kosher meal options at NYC public schools with Muslim & Jewish community leaders and elected officials at City Hall

September 6, 2016 -This week Khan’s Tutorial senior leaders and students rallied at the steps of City Hall for a bill requiring more inclusive food options for students in the NYC public school system. The press conference was lead by SAFEST (South Asian Fund for Education, Scholarship, & Training) founder, Mazeda Uddin. Supporters of the bill argue that public school students who are observant Muslims or Jews are often times faced with decision of violating their religious dietary restrictions or going hungry for the entire school day. Additionally, low income students who rely on free lunches are forced to leave school to purchase halal or kosher food. Public Advocate Letitia James expressed her support for the inclusive bill and invited KT students Tahseen Chowdhury, Syed Islam, and Sudat Khan to share their experiences as observant Muslim public school students.