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SAT vs. ACT: Which Test Works For You?

Almost everyone is familiar with the SAT, however, schools offer another option, also known as the ACT. The SAT and ACT tests are very similar with a few notable differences. They both work to test your knowledge in preparation for college, and colleges use these scores during their admissions process…

12 Items to Check-Off on Your College Applications

It’s about that time of the school year for seniors in high school when the anxiety starts settling in regarding their college applications. You may be having thoughts like “Did my teacher finish my recommendation letter? Did I even get the right teacher to give me a recommendation? Did I finish every aspect of the application completely? Did I miss any fees that I need to pay for the applications? Are my test scores being sent to the right schools?” Not to worry about any of this. We have a comprehensive checklist for you to be 100% sure that you got everything done regarding your applications.