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SAT Tips and Tricks for the Exam

Discover valuable SAT tips and tricks to improve your scores and boost your confidence on test day. Learn effective strategies for each section of the SAT exam.

5 Reasons Why You Should Study For The SAT Reading Section

Preparing for the SAT can be an overwhelming task, especially when it comes to the reading portion. However, with the right strategies and techniques, you can improve your scores and feel confident on test day. This blog post will discuss five ways to do well on the SAT reading portion.

Is Bronx Science Better Than Stuyvesant?

Comparing Bronx Science and Stuyvesant is a challenging task, as both schools are highly regarded and offer exceptional educational opportunities to their students. Ultimately, which school is “better” depends on individual preferences and priorities. However, there are some key differences between the two schools that may be helpful in making a decision.

5 Reasons Why the SHSAT is Important

The Specialized High Schools Admissions Test (SHSAT) is an exam that determines admission to eight specialized high schools in New York City. The exam has been a topic of debate over the years, with some advocating for its elimination, while others believe it should be maintained. In this blog post, we will explore five reasons why the SHSAT is important.

5 Reasons Why You Should Take The SAT

The SAT, or Scholastic Aptitude Test, is a standardized test that is widely used in the United States as a measure of a student’s academic abilities and potential for college success. Many colleges and universities require or recommend that students take the SAT as part of their admissions process, and a high score on the test can be an important factor in determining whether a student is admitted to a particular school. In addition, the SAT can be used to qualify for scholarships and other forms of financial assistance. In this blog post, we will discuss five reasons why the SAT is an important test for students who are planning to attend college.

The Advantages of Attending a NYC Specialized High School

Attending New York City’s Specialized High Schools provides students with exceptional academics and educational opportunities at little to no cost. Known for their academic rigor, notable teachers, motivated students, diverse course offerings and extracurricular activities, the Specialized High Schools pave the way for students from all socioeconomic backgrounds to gain access to and achieve academic successes, which have oftentimes been left only for those who could afford it…