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October 2017

Mrs. Nayeema Khan with a class of Khan's Tutorial students.

Khan’s Tutorial Breaks Record with over 627 Students Scoring 4/4 on Spring 2017 Common Core Exams

October 24, 2017 – New York, New York – This past weekend Khan’s Tutorial Common Core students and their parents celebrated Perfect Score Weekend. Families visited Khan’s Tutorials 10 locations to celebrate their students who recently received the results for their Spring 2017 Common Core Statewide/Citywide Exams. This year, Khan’s Tutorial broke last year’s record of 537 with over 627 students scoring a single 4/4 or double 4/4. A score of 4/4 means that these students met and excelled beyond the standards set for elementary and junior high school students. On Sunday, November 12th, all high scoring Common Core, SAT, & Regents students will be celebrating at Khan’s Tutorial’s Annual Achievement Awards Ceremony at the Colden Auditorium at Queens College.

Dr. Ivan Khan and Mrs. Nayeema Khan presenting an award to a community leader.

Khan’s Tutorial Invites High Scoring Common Core, SAT, & Regents Students to Perfect Score Weekend

October 11, 2017 – New York, New York – Khan’s Tutorial will be celebrating the success of their students during Perfect Score Weekend next week from October 21-22. Students who received perfect scores on this year’s Common Core Exams or SAT & Regents students who scored highly on their exams will be invited to pick up invitations to Khan’s Tutorial’s Annual Achievement Awards Ceremony. The annual ceremony will be held at the Colden Auditorium at Queens College on Sunday, November 12, 2017.

Khan's Tutorial Annual Awards Ceremony with all students.

Khan’s Tutorial Breaks Record with 600 Students Scoring 4/4 on Spring 2017 Common Core Exams

October 4, 2017 – New York, New York – This week Khan’s Tutorial celebrated the success of their Common Core Program students who recently received the results for their Spring 2017 Common Core Statewide/Citywide Exams. This year, Khan’s Tutorial broke last year’s record of 537 with 600 students scoring a single 4/4 or double 4/4. A score of 4/4 means that these students met and excelled beyond the standards set for elementary and junior high school students. On Sunday, November 12th, all high scoring Common Core, SAT, & Regents students will be celebrating at Khan’s Tutorial’s Annual Achievement Awards Ceremony at the Colden Auditorium at Queens College.