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Visit Your College Office | Student Of The Month | NYC HS Applications

Getting Into College Starts With Visiting Your High School’s College Office

Almost every accredited high school in America should have an active college, or guidance counselor’s office to help students with the college admissions process and related items. On average, the rates at which students seek and obtain help from their college counselor can vary by socioeconomic status, race, and several other factors.

In well funded high schools with large student populations, more than one college advisor or guidance counselor can exist. 

According to the American School Counselor Association, guidance counselors are essential in providing proactive programs that engage students and include leadership, advocacy and collaboration with school staff, administration and community/family members in the delivery of programs and activities to help students achieve success.

Important Dates

NY State Exams Grades 3-8:

  • Friday March 18 – Sunday March 20: NYS 2017 State Exam Diagnostic & Individual PTC
  • Friday March 25 – Sunday March 27: NYS 2017 State Exam Review
  • Tuesday March 29 – Thurs March 31: NYS 2022 State English Language Arts ELA Exam
  • Tuesday April 26 – Thursday April 29: NYS 2022 State Math Exam

 NYC Specialized High School Admissions (SHSAT) Grade 7:

  • Sat Feb 19 & Sunday Feb 20 – MANDATORY GROUP PTC Pre- DIAG

 SAT, GPA, Advanced Placement (AP), College Admissions

  • SAT Head Start
    • Start Date – End Date : Dec 4 – June 26
    • Ideal Student Grade Level : Beginning 9 & 10
    • Number of Classes Per Week : 1 day/week
    • Target SAT Exam Date : Fall 2022
  • SAT Fall
    • Start Date – End Date : Sept 4 – Mar 6
    • Ideal Student Grade Level : Advanced 10 & 11
    • Number of Classes Per Week : 1 day / week (2 days / week beginning 1/ 29)
    • Target SAT Exam Date : March 2022 (In-school March 23), June 2022
  • Crash Course
    • Start Date – End Date : Dec 4 – Mar 6
    • Ideal Student Grade Level : 10 & Advanced 11
    • Number of Classes Per Week : 1 day/week
      (2 days/week beginning 1/29)
    • Target SAT Exam Date : March 2022 (In-school March 23)

Parents Find NYC’s High School Application Process As Confusing As Ever

All New York City students must apply to high schools, and many of the most sought-after use admissions screens, picking students based on their academic performance. Students who are Black or Latino, those who come from low-income families, have disabilities, or are learning English as a new language are less likely to meet admissions requirements.

But the process is still far from uniform: A group of more than 20 schools has been allowed to keep their own screens beyond grades, including admissions tests, interviews, and essays. (Admissions to the city’s specialized high schools, meanwhile, remain unchanged.)

“It’s almost like one step forward, two steps back,” said Nyah Berg, executive director of New York Appleseed, which advocates for school integration efforts.

For its part, the education department said it moved swiftly to make changes so families would learn sooner about how their children will be selected for admissions.

The education department will host information sessions in mulitple languages for families applying to high schools.

March 1 from 6 p.m. – 7 p.m. (English)

March 4 from 1 p.m. – 2 p.m. (Bangla, Korean, Urdu)

March 7 from 6 p.m. – 7 p.m. (Arabic, French, Russian)

March 8 from 6 p.m. – 7 p.m. (Mandarin, Haitian Creole, Spanish)

Student Of The Month

Congratulations to our students on being selected to be our Student of the Month Spotlight! Hard work and dedication is something we value greatly at Khan’s Tutorial, and we believe in recognizing and celebrating the students who have made big strides in achieving their goals. All spotlight students were asked to answer 5 questions:

  1. What hobbies are you passionate about?
  2. Who is your biggest role model and why?
  3. If you were president for a day, name one thing you would do in office.
  4. How do you plan to make the world a better place?
  5. What is your number one study tip for all the students reading this?
Mandy Zheng

Mandy Zheng

What hobbies are you passionate about?

Some hobbies that I really enjoy are writing in a journal, readings books, and drawing! I enjoy doing these three things because they let me relax more and have fun. For example, when I do journaling, it’s fun because it’s really just a notebook that you can write anything under the sun about! I can add a personal touch to journals with photos, doodles, and stickers which makes it feel special. I enjoy reading books because it envelopes me into a magical world of Harry Potter or back in time during the Civil War and I can let go of the real world to let my imagination run wild alongside with the author’s. The third hobby that I am passionate about is drawing because I don’t have to worry about making any mistakes and it doesn’t have to be perfect. It’s always very satisfying and relaxing when I finish a good looking piece of work, and if it’s not I can always try to redo it!

Who is your biggest role model and why?

There are a lot of great people out there that many people look up to, like Martin Luther King Jr. or Nikola Tesla, but simple people can have a big impact on others too! My biggest role model could go somewhere in between my teacher, Mrs. Agis, or my mom! Whenever Mrs. Agis walks into the room, it feels as if the sun shines brighter. She always has a way to spread positivity and put a smile on people’s faces. I’ve noticed that even though she had a bad day, she only tries to think on the bright side. I want to have a personality that’s just like hers! Another one of my role models is my mom because she works harder than anyone I know. She always pays attention to my needs, my wants, and my education and makes sure that I’m happy at all times. I want to be the type of person that cares for others like she does!

If you were president for a day, name one thing you would do in office.

Being the president is a pretty big deal, and there would be plenty of things to be done. I first would want to provide more food, clothes, and resources to people in need by planting organizations here and there. This way I might not solve a problem overnight, but little by little could fix the situation. I also would try to enforce more laws that make littering on land and in the ocean even more illegal than they already are by encouraging people to participate in clean ups more. Lastly, if I were president for a day I would try and make education more free and open to people everywhere because it helps students to become more skilled at many different things. People would be able to get better jobs and work together more, therefore making a stronger country.

How do you plan to make the world a better place?

No one is able to fix all of the problems in the world. There will always be some global warming, poverty, virus, crime, and people fighting among themselves. But I believe that if people stop judging or segregating others for their race or background, the world will become a better place! I think simply making one area of the world better can result in it to spread. For example, paying it forward. This means that you can be kind to someone and tell them to pay it forward, and that person will be kind to someone else and tell them to pay it forward too, and so forth. If I can make one place a little kinder, even if it’s just a classroom or a park, a little kindness can go a long way!

What is your number one study tip for all the students reading this?

Some tips that I try to follow is to S.T.U.D.Y. S is for setting a goal, because it will be easier to focus on what to accomplish. T is to talk with your teachers, because it’s ok to ask questions if you need to. Asking your teacher is better than pondering on if it’s right or wrong yourself. U is for understanding the material, because most students tend to reread their notes and think they understand it, until they actually do it. To understand what your looking at and allow it to process and in your brain, you could rewrite it and actually try to answer the question at hand. D is to don’t study last minute, because it’s bad to cram in information late at night. Try to fit in studying a few times before the test, even if it’s 10 minutes it’ll help! Lastly, Y is that you’re allowed to take a break! Try sleeping more, exercising, and doing things you enjoy because studying shouldn’t take up your happy time. Taking a break can make room for positivity and help you study on a lighter mood. Make sure to S.T.U.D.Y!

Mohammed Ishrak

Mohammed Ishrak

What hobbies are you passionate about?


Who is your biggest role model and why?

No one, because I don’t think role models always do everything that makes him/her a perfect role model.

If you were president for a day, name one thing you would do in office.

Create a type of air or oxygen that can spread in the air to disinfect Covid-19.

How do you plan to make the world a better place?

Cure Covid-19 with an air or oxygen that can spread and disinfect covid 19, so like when you are breathing outside air or regular air, the air can go anywhere, inside anything and kill the cells with covid 19.

What is your number one study tip for all the students reading this?

Not really any study tips, study if if you think it’ll benefit you or anyone.

Maeda Muskan

Maeda Muskan

What hobbies are you passionate about?

Well one hobby I’m passionate about is my art. When I draw, I feel like I’m in my own world, and that I can draw anything that I want. Also, I think that I am skilled at art, because I challenge myself to do things that that I can’t accomplish or do, but I end up creating something new, and more my style. I also think that I’m passionate about my reading, because I often read books that are above my level, and I can usually finish a 60 – 100 paged book in a day, and I also enjoy reading, and it helps me find new ideas of what I should write about. To add on my favorite genres in reading are realistic fiction and fantasy fiction, and also historical fiction, (mostly about war amongst the British or American colonies). Lastly, I’m also passionate about my writing skills. As I said earlier, books help me get ideas for books, because I am actually a writer. I write books for fun, but one of the books I’m writing now is called “The Devil’s Breath”, and I am almost done with the first chapter.

Who is your biggest role model and why?

My biggest role model is probably J.K Rowling or Rick Riordan because they are both amazing authors. J.K Rowling is amazing at writing fantasy fiction like the very, very, very, successful, “Harry Potter”. Also, her way of using her words is very descriptive because she finds the perfect words for her text. Also, she has a really good way of giving her characters traits and introducing them. Rick Riordan on the other hand is very good at placing the characters in their role, and what events happen to each of them. He also, like J.K Rowling, is good at giving his characters the right traits. To add on, ” Percy Jackson” & “Harry Potter” are both similar like how Harry and Percy discover something new about themselves, Hermione and Annabeth are both smart and intelligent, and that Ron and Grover are both funny and goofy and try to help out as often as they can. 

If you were president for a day, name one thing you would do in office.

I would probably open up a book fair, where kids could get free books that they have longed for. Half of the money would probably go to pet shelters around the world, and the other half to orphanages in other countries. Also, if kids had no money, the book fair would give them free stuff, because I know that some kids are tight on money, and that they can’t afford things they really want and also during the book fair, the kids can give their old books to either be recycled or sled at the book fair. Another thing, the book fair wouldn’t just sell books they would sell things like diaries and pens, which were also free to kids who couldn’t afford them.

How do you plan to make the world a better place?

I plan to make the world a better place by helping orphanages, animal shelters, and homeless shelters raise money and help the needy, because they have tried really hard, but still haven’t gotten anything, and look at us, we have everything and nothing to work for. I have read of African and Indian children, who are making our shoes and cosmetics, and the homeless starve every day even with children, they don’t have enough food, or clothes, or anything. The orphans and homeless have no knowledge, no books, just work and pain. Animals have suffered from rabies, and are spreading diseases around the world, and are going extinct. They all (the orphans, homeless and animals) have to suffer for food, and we can get it so easily, but they have to suffer for every bit. So even 1 buck is a lot to them, so I plan to open a book shop, where old book is sent to kids, and the money from libraries, book fairs and more are sent to the homeless, orphans and animal shelters, because I’m trying to help make this world fair and equal again.

What is your number one study tip for all the students reading this?

My number one study tip is to probably try to have yourself a stress-free environment or put on some headphones and put on some peaceful music, or what mostly helps me, is to eat a snack and exercise before I start my studying, because it helps your mind stay energized, like your body is telling your brain, “Hey it’s time to get up, and work!!!!!” which helps your brain understand that it has to stay awake, and eating a snack helps because it helps your brain get working with protein and vitamins , ( I recommend eating fruit). Also make sure that NOBODY distracts you, especially your siblings. To add on, make sure you study the easier stuff before the hard ones.

Raisa Roseleen

Raisa Roseleen

What hobbies are you passionate about?

Singing and drawing.

Who is your biggest role model and why?

My Mom because she always supports and encourages me to try to do my best.

If you were president for a day, name one thing you would do in office.

I would make sure that everyone obeys the laws and to live in a peaceful life. 

How do you plan to make the world a better place?

My plan to make the world a better place is to stop climate change because climate change is bad.

What is your number one study tip for all the students reading this?

My number one study tip is to work hard, keep trying your best, and never give up because always remember to hope for the best.

Miftahul Mysha

Miftahul Mysha

What hobbies are you passionate about?

Reading and traveling.

Who is your biggest role model and why?

My mom because she is very independent lady and she is also very caring.

If you were president for a day, name one thing you would do in office.

I would make it a law that children are safe at all times.

How do you plan to make the world a better place?

I would want to make the world a better place by stopping pollution in the ocean and on land.

What is your number one study tip for all the students reading this?

Focus and try to stay motivated because sometimes there is distractions and it will not help.

Mental Health Resources For Students Impacted By The Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has thrust many of our lives in an unpredictable direction. Many adolescents have never experienced something this drastic, and as we’re seeing it has definitely taken a toll on them. 

Seeking help can feel complicated, it might even seem easier to just “deal with it.” However, at the end of the day if we are not taking care of ourselves, we cannot be expected to properly be present for others. 

If you or anyone you know needs help, please reach out to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.

Check out our website for access to more resources and to read the full blog post!

Khan’s Tutorial Free College Admissions Workshop Videos

Khan’s Tutorial has posted a new College Admissions Workshop regarding “Knowing Your Career Path.” College is a place where you are meant to explore your interests and navigate a wide variety of career paths. 

This video is only in Bengali, but non-bengali speakers are welcome to visit our YouTube page to access all of our college workshop videos!

Khan’s Tutorial Announces NEW Referral Program

This new referral program allows for families to recommend Khan’s Tutorial another family, after which BOTH families will receive a discount! It is important to note the discount is only valid if the family who has sent the referral is named during the process. As the New Year rolls in, lets aid one another in tackling another Pandemic school year!

All families will be eligible for a referral discount if 

  • The family they refer signs up for and pays for a package
  • Names them as the referrer

BOTH families will be eligible to receive a $50 discount 

  • The new family will receive this discount with their first payment
  • The enrolled family will receive this discount on their next package