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Khan’s Tutorial celebrates 720 Perfect Scoring Common Core students and 373 High Scoring Regents & SAT students at the Khan’s Tutorial Annual Achievement Awards Ceremony

Khan's Tutorial Award Ceremony at York College.

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New York, NY – On Sunday, November 12, Khan’s Tutorial (KT) hosted its fourth Annual Achievement Awards Ceremony at the Colden Auditorium at Queens College. Khan’s Tutorial celebrated students in their Common Core Program who received single 4s and double 4s on their ELA and Math Common Core Citywide/Statewide Exams. Khan’s also celebrated students in their High School Achievement Program who achieved exceptional scores on their SAT & Regents Exams.

In 2017, Khan’s Tutorial helped 720 students score perfect 4/4s on their Common Core exams. 298 students scored a single 4/4 while 423 students scored two or more 4/4s. A score of 4/4 means that these students met and excelled beyond the standards set for elementary and junior high school students. This places KT students amongst the top 19.25% of students who scored a 4 on their 2017 Math exam and the top 13% of all NYS students who scored a 4 on their 2017 ELA exam.

In terms of students in KT’s High School Achievement Program, over the past year 253 students scored a 90 or above on their Regents Exams and 120+ students received a 1300 or above on their SAT exams. KT student Sharah Nabi was recognized for her near perfect score of 1580 on her SAT exam.

“This is the fourth annual KT Achievement Awards Ceremony and I am thrilled to see the number of students celebrating with us grow each year. We are not only celebrating our students perfect scores this year but also the countless days each week that families dedicate to their child’s education. Finally, I’d like to thank the Quality Managers who contribute their weekends to Khan’s mission to improve student test scores and educate for life,” said Director of Common Core, Nadia Hossain.

“I am extremely proud of our High School Achievement Program. Our Instructors, Quality Managers, and Directors have lead our students and their families to success, opening doors to top colleges and universities with scholarships & significant financial aid,” said the Director of High School Achievement Program, Ms. Tasneem Imam Khan. 

Amongst the honored guests were:

District 23 Council Member Barry Grodenchik
District 24 Assemblymember David Weprin
Honorable Consul General Ahsan
Director of Scholastica, Bangladesh  – Mrs. Wasima Parveen
Yiling Li, President of the UNESCO Association of New York
Hawa M. Diallo, Public Information Officer at United Nations Department of Public Information
Tahseen Chowdhury, NYS Senate Candidate for District 13
Anik Khan, Queens Rapper

While Khan’s honored these elected officials and community leaders, Khan’s also recognized several Quality Managers for their outstanding work in education.

“Bangladeshi and South Asian New Yorkers are one of the fastest growing immigrant groups in all of New York City. In order to properly educate our community, Khan’s Tutorial vows to build on our work with a continued focus on quality, sincerity and mentorship. We thank our friends and community leaders attending from the press tonight. We thank our esteemed honored guests. We thank our Uncles, Aunties, brothers and sisters. Most importantly, we thank the students whose hard work brought us here in the first place!” said KT CEO & President Dr. Ivan Khan in his remarks.

With 11 locations in the outer boroughs of New York City, Brooklyn, the Bronx, and in the Jackson Heights, Jamaica, Astoria, Sunnyside, Ozone Park, and Floral Park neighborhoods of Queens, Khan’s Tutorial primarily serves in assisting families in low-income, new immigrant neighborhoods. Over 2,615 students have gained admission to New York City’s Specialized High Schools and through Khan’s Tutorial since its inception in 1994.