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Khan’s Tutorial Celebrates Successful Regents, SAT, and College Accepted Students at First Ever High School Achievement Program Awards Ceremony

Dr. Ivan Khan, Tasneem Khan MPH, and Mrs. Nayeema Khan celebrating the Dawats Short Film Screening Event hosted by Khan's Tutorial.

Queens, NY – On Wednesday, August 8th, Khan’s Tutorial (KT) hosted its first stand alone High School Awards Ceremony at Joya Hall. The High School Achievement Program (HSAP) is led by Ms. Tasneem Imam Khan, MPH a graduate of Barnard College with a Master’s Degree from Columbia University. During the ceremony Khan’s Tutorial celebrated its High School students who achieved high scores on their Regents and SATs as well as those who gained admission to Ivy League schools.  

Since 2017:

  • 223 Khan’s Tutorial Students received a 1300+ on their SATs
  • 116 received a 1400 or higher on their SATs since 2017

In 2018:

  • 255 Khan’s Tutorial students received a 90+ on their June 2018 Regents
  • 198 Khan’s Tutorial Seniors gained admission to competitive colleges and universities including top schools such as: Cornell University, Yale University, University of Pennsylvania, Columbia University, Barnard College, Brown University, NYU, University of Michigan, Georgetown, Northwestern, Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education.
  • Over 93% of consistently attending Khan’s Tutorial students scored above the 90th percentile in all 2018 SATs.
  • 4 students, Fahmida Akther, Mohammed Uddin, KM Muktasid and Tanvir Chowdhury received a near perfect score of 1560 on their SATS

Additionally, special guest New York State Senator Toby Ann Stavisky was honored at the ceremony and commended Khan’s Tutorial students. Senator Stavisky is the first woman from Queens County elected to the State Senate and the first woman to Chair the Senate Committee on Higher Education. The native New Yorker is also a graduate of Bronx High School of Science, Syracuse University and later completed graduate courses at Hunter and Queens Colleges.

“We are so proud of our high scoring Regents, SAT and College Accepted students who are attaining academic success through Khan’s Tutorial. During the HSAP Awards Dinner, we celebrated students like Fahmida Akhter who was one of 4 highest scoring KT students to score a 1560 on her SATs. We also honored students like Manahal Tabassum, who gained acceptance into Yale and Laura Guerrero, who will be attending University of Pennsylvania this Fall. Both are Ivy League Universities and that is a common thing for our Khan’s students. High school is not an easy path to navigate, which is why we are excited to mentor and guide our students towards fulfilling their academic endeavors,” said the Director of High School Achievement Program, Ms. Tasneem Imam Khan.  

“Every year, hundreds of high school students return to Khan’s Tutorial to master the SATs, Regents & College Acceptance. One of the things I am most proud of this past year is our revised brand new SAT curriculum. This summer, there are dozens of SAT classes taking place across Khan’s Tutorial. The training we have instilled has really helped our summer SAT students get top Diagnostic scores with their KT SAT Instructors. We very much wish all Khan’s students a lot of success on their SATs this August, & on their PSAT/SATs this October. I look forward to working with them this Fall to Master their College Admissions (MCA) in our MCA program!” said Dr. Ivan Khan, CEO & President of Khan’s Tutorial. 

“To make sure that I can get into a prestigious college with a good SAT score, my parents enrolled me in Khan’s Tutorial at the beginning of my sophomore year. My parents supplied me with every possible way to improve my score, so that I wasn’t lacking in any prep material. It’s not only encouragement and motivation that I received from only my parents, but also my siblings, friends, instructors at school and at Khan’s Tutorial. My younger siblings often refer to me as their role model and I wanted to continue being their role model by achieving a high score on my SAT. I am very thankful for all of my Khan’s Tutorial Instructors who taught me various different ways in approaching my SAT,” said Fahmida Akhter, Khan’s Tutorial SAT High Scorer, current student at Brooklyn Technical High School.

“I first started here at Khans Tutorial as a student in the third grade and have been part of this community ever since. For starters, I wasn’t always a successful kid, I wasn’t always the smartest one in the room when growing up. I’m now currently the SAT instructor at Sunnyside and grateful to be part of such an amazing team. Next week I will be heading to Columbia University. I’d love to give a special shoutout to my parents for always supporting me and giving me everything I needed to get where I am today,” said Tanvir Chowdhury, Khan’s Tutorial SAT High Scorer, headed to Columbia University.