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Khan’s Tutorial Hosts Leadership Training for Directors and Quality Managers

Khan's Tutorial Quality Manager Training at Sutphin Location.

Queens, NY — Khan’s Tutorial held their annual Summer Leadership Training Session this

week at their headquarters, located at KT Sutphin. During the week of training, top Khan’s

Tutorial Instructors learn how to help better serve the students in their respective branches.

Furthermore, they learn key principles in teaching, leadership, and management. In preparation

of upcoming exams, trainees are taught how to increase the quality of learning to ensure all

students are prepared. Khan’s Tutorial values being a company in the community that can offer

mentorship and guidance to students and parents.

“Every year, we hold biannual training for rising leaders at Khan's Tutorial who have gone above

and beyond their expected role and responsibilities at their centers. During our rigorous week-

long training session, young leaders learn how to supervise and motivate large teams, increase

student test scores, foster parental engagement, mentor students, and inspire them to surpass

their academic potential,” said Dr. Ivan Khan, President and CEO of Khan’s Tutorial.

“This year’s group of trainees were very excited to learn and grow. As leaders, I can see them

all being very active in the lives of the students and parents in their respective branches. This

year’s Common Core Summer program will have some new additions such as Student of the

Month and Spelling Bees across all centers. Our team looks forward to implementing these

changes and better serving our students, ” says Israt Hoque, Khan’s Tutorial’s new Common

Core Program Manager.

“Many 10th and 11th graders are returning to Khan’s Tutorial for our Summer SAT Elite

program. This training session for High School Achievement Program Quality Managers will be

especially helpful to this new wave of students. This is a group that’s very dedicated and

determined to finding the best way to serve their community,” said Tasneem Imam Khan, MPH

(Columbia University Master's Degree), Director of High School Achievement program.

With 11 locations in the outer boroughs of New York City, Brooklyn, the Bronx, and in the

Jackson Heights, Jamaica, Astoria, Sunnyside, Ozone Park, and Floral Park neighborhoods of

Queens, Khan’s Tutorial primarily serves in assisting families in low-income, new immigrant

neighborhoods. Since 1994, Khan’s Tutorial has helped 3,383 students receive offers to New

York City’s Specialized High Schools.