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Khan’s Tutorial Hosts Cultural Themed Holiday Party for Teammates

Khan's Tutorial Staff enjoying the celebration held at staff gathering.

Queens, NY – Last weekend Khan’s Tutorial hosted its annual staff Holiday Party. This year the themes for the party were culture, representation, and empowerment. Directors, Managers, and Instructors from Khan’s Tutorial’s 10 locations gathered at Gulshan Terrace in Queens to celebrate a year of hard work. Special Guests include:

Karishma Rahman Azmat, Director of Global Marketing at CBS Viacom

Suswana Chowdhury, Producer of Dawat, a Bengali-American short film

Zubi Ahmed, Bengali American Comedian

Rahmaan, Bengali American Singer

“As one of the largest South Asian Employers, Khan’s Tutorial brought representation, empowerment and culture to our team members across NYC in one evening. It was a night filled with laughter, inspiration and optimism. Seeing team members in a united space sharing their hopes, dreams and achievements brought togetherness. I am proud of each and every member of our team for their hard work and contribution in making a difference one day at a time. Being a role model at such a young age for students and members of the community is a huge achievement. We were able to bring performers that represent the South Asian community to further empower our young leaders to portray a life message no matter what, one can do anything and everything if there’s passion behind it. We are here as a team to help support and always inspire any goal, dream and mission. I want to wish everyone a healthy, happy New Year, ”said CEO & President of Khan’s Tutorial Dr. Ivan Khan. 

With 10 locations in the outer boroughs of New York City, Brooklyn, the Bronx, and in the Jackson Heights, Jamaica, Astoria, Ozone Park, and Floral Park neighborhoods of Queens, Khan’s Tutorial primarily serves in assisting families in low-income, new immigrant neighborhoods. Since 1994, Khan’s Tutorial has helped 3,383 students receive offers to New York City’s Specialized High Schools.