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SAT Cutoff Score 2024

2024 SAT Cutoff Scores

The SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) is a widely recognized standardized test used for college admissions in the United States which is administered by the College Board. The SAT evaluates a student’s skills in critical reading, writing, and mathematics. Student’s eligibility for college acceptance and potential scholarship opportunities are determined by SAT. As the competition for top-tier universities intensifies, understanding the SAT cutoff scores has become increasingly crucial for students struggling to gain admission to their dream schools. The cutoff score refers to the minimum score required for consideration at a particular college or university. It is a benchmark set by institutions to filter applicants and ensure they possess the necessary academic aptitude to succeed in their programs.

Let’s look into this detailed guide of SAT cutoff scores for the year 2024. Learn valuable insights and guidance from this blog.

What is SAT Cutoff 2024?

The SAT cut-off score is the minimum score required by colleges or universities for admission. It’s important to note that this cut-off score varies from institution to institution and can also differ based on the program you’re applying to. For 2024, while the exact cut-off scores are yet to be announced, they are expected to follow the trends of previous years, with top universities typically requiring scores in the upper percentiles.

Understanding SAT Scores

The SAT is scored on a scale of 400 to 1600, divided into two sections: Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW) and Math. Each section is scored from 200 to 800.

Does Cutoff Matter in SAT?

So, if there’s no single cutoff, does the SAT score even matter? Absolutely! While there’s no magic number, colleges do consider your SAT score within the context of your entire application and your co-curricular activities. A strong score can significantly enhance your candidacy, especially for competitive institutions.

Breaking Down Your SAT Score

Before exploring the cutoff scores, it is essential to understand the components of the SAT and how they are scored.

The SAT consists of two main sections:

  • Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW) and
  • Math

SAT Cutoffs for Reading and Writing

The EBRW section evaluates a student’s ability to read and comprehend complex texts, as well as their proficiency in writing and language skills. The maximum score for this section is 800. Top universities often set their cutoff scores for EBRW between 600 and 750, with highly selective institutions requiring scores in the upper range.

SAT Cutoffs for Math Scores

The Math section tests a student’s knowledge and problem-solving abilities in areas such as algebra, data analysis, and advanced mathematics. Like the EBRW section, the Math section is also scored on a scale of 800. Cutoff scores for Math tend to be slightly higher than those for EBRW, with top universities typically requiring scores between 650 and 800.

SAT Cutoff Score for Top Universities

Elite universities and colleges, such as those in the Ivy League and other highly selective institutions, typically have higher cutoff scores due to the intense competition for limited spots. Here are some examples of SAT cutoff scores for top universities in 2024:

UniversitiesSAT Cutoff Scores
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)1535
Harvard University1520
Carleton University1490
University of Pennsylvania1500
Yale University1515
University Of California, Los Angeles1455
Stanford University1540
Columbia University1524
New York University (NYU)1455
University of Chicago1540
Duke University1530
Princeton University1518
University of Southern California1440
Brown University1485
University of Michigan1440
Boston University1418
Tufts University1465
Carnegie Mellon1510
Northeastern University1465
Northwestern University1495

Note: Colleges may consider many other factors in an admission process, such as extracurricular activities, letters of recommendation, and more.

Good SAT Score (combine good vs average here)

When discussing SAT scores, it’s essential to differentiate between a “good” score and an “average” score. A good SAT score is typically considered to be in the range of 1200 to 1600, with scores above 1400 being exceptional. These scores indicate a strong grasp of the tested concepts.

On the other hand, an average SAT score falls within the range of 1000 to 1200. While this score may be sufficient for admission to some colleges and universities, it may not be competitive enough for highly selective institutions.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that the definition of a “good” SAT score can vary depending on the specific college or university you are applying to. Your academic goals and aspirations may also command a certain SAT score to be considered a “good” SAT score.

What’s the Minimum SAT Score for College?

While there is no universal minimum SAT score for college admission, most institutions have their own benchmarks based on their academic standards and selectivity. Generally, a score below 1000 may make it challenging to gain admission to many four-year colleges and universities. Some colleges and universities may accept students with scores as low as 900 or even lower, while others may have higher cutoffs, particularly for specific programs or majors.

It’s essential to research the specific requirements of the colleges and universities you are interested in to understand their minimum score expectations.

How to Raise Your SAT Score?

If your current SAT score falls short of your target college’s cutoff, there are several strategies to raise your score:

  1. Targeted Practice: Identify your areas of weakness by analyzing your previous test results and focus your preparation efforts on those areas. Utilize practice tests, study guides, and online resources to strengthen your skills.
  2. Enroll in Prep Courses: Consider enrolling in SAT preparation courses offered by Khan’s Tutorial. They will provide structured learning, expert guidance, and valuable test-taking strategies.
  3. Time Management: Develop effective time management skills during the test. Pacing yourself and allocating time wisely can help you maximize your score potential.
  4. Familiarity with Test Format: Familiarize yourself with the SAT format, question types, and scoring guidelines. This familiarity can help reduce test anxiety and improve your performance.
  5. Consistent Practice: Consistent practice is key to improving your SAT score. Dedicate regular study sessions and take practice tests under timed conditions to simulate the actual test environment.


In conclusion, with dedicated planning and preparation, you can learn the SAT and enhance your chances of getting into your dream institution. Remember, the SAT is just one piece of the admissions puzzle, but a strong score can open doors.


1. Can I get into a good college with a low SAT score?

Yes, it’s possible! Colleges look beyond test scores, so a strong application can overcome a low SAT score.

2. What is a good SAT score for 2024?

Based on a report from the College Board, A good score is more than 1210. This score will put you in the top quarter of test-takers.

3. Should I take the SAT 3 times?

Maybe. 2 times is typical (improve score & super score option). 3 times can be okay if you see improvement, but not always necessary.


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