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Bangladeshi New Yorkers Rally with Education Leaders in Support of the SHSAT and Increased Gifted & Talented and Honors Classes

Tahseen Chowdhury speaking to expand the DREAM program.

Manhattan, NY –  Last Sunday NYC families, community organizers, and education advocates gathered at Foley Square to rally for education issues affecting our community. Supporters called to preserve education pathways and expand opportunities for underserved communities.

Beyond preserving the SHSAT, the current admissions criteria for the Specialized High Schools, the rally is also focused on critical education issues such as:
– Fixing NYC K-8 Schools
– Creating additional Specialized High Schools
– Establishing more Honors Classes

Attendees to last weekend’s rally include:
– Mazeda Uddin of the South Asian Fund for Scholarship, Education, and Training
– Councilman Peter Koo
– Miguel Herrera of DNA
– Wai Wah Chin of the Stuyvesant High School Alumni Foundation & Chinese American Citizens Alliance of Greater New York
– Assembly Member William Colton

“For the past 4 years the Asian American community of NYC has worked to increase diversity at the Specialized High Schools while maintaining an objective merit based admission process. As a community we’re glad to see the attention brought to fixing the pipeline for all New Yorkers starting as early as grade 3. We strongly support the inclusion of honors classes in every single school and grade so that new immigrant New Yorkers and minorities have a chance to learn amongst the best and brightest in their respective schools and communities. When it comes to education one size does not fit all and we strongly oppose the chancellor and mayor’s efforts regarding their approach. We kindly request all Bangladeshi New Yorkers to continue demanding honors classes and Gifted and Talented classes in every school and every district,” said Dr. Ivan Khan, CEO & President of Khan’s Tutorial.

With 11 locations in the outer boroughs of New York City, Brooklyn, the Bronx, and in the Jackson Heights, Jamaica, Astoria, Sunnyside, Ozone Park, and Floral Park neighborhoods of Queens, Khan’s Tutorial primarily serves in assisting families in low-income, new immigrant neighborhoods. Since 1994, Khan’s Tutorial has helped 2,997 students gain admission to New York City’s Specialized High Schools.