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Khan’s Tutorial Hosts FREE Financial Aid Workshop for High School Students & Parents in Queens, New York

Dr. Ivan Khan and Mrs. Nayeema Khan engaging with students and parents in Khan's Tutorial Jackson Heights.

Following the historic student loan debt forgiveness announcement by President Joe Biden.

New York, NY – August 31, 2022 – On Saturday August 27, 2022 several dozen high school parents and students from across New York City attended Khan’s Tutorial’s FREE community workshop on Financial Aid during College Admissions in Queens, New York. 

During the very same week of President Joe Biden’s historic announcement on billions in student loan debt relief, Khan’s CEO Dr. Ivan Khan led presentations that covered:

  • Joe Biden’s Student multi-billion dollar Loan Debt Relief Plan

  • FAFSA application – Federal Application for Financial Student Aid

  • CSS Profile- Private Colleges Student Aid

  • Admissions Requirements: NYU, Barnard, Fordham University, Macaulay Honors

After the opening segment, the audience of 11th and 12th graders attended three different breakout groups hosted by representatives from the following institutions:

  • New York University

  • Barnard College of Columbia University

  • Fordham University

  • Macaulay Honors College

“I loved the College Fair they held. KT included representatives from Fordham, NYU, Hunter, Macaulay, and included information about FAFSA and CSS profiles. I’ve learned so much from this workshops that I’m sure to keep in mind when applying to college.” – Faiza Tasnim, Grade 11.

“Since Dr. Mansur Khan opened this place and many others, our families have benefited a lot and his son, Dr. Ivan Khan has control. This is a very good place for our community. They’re helping our community get into the top schools and colleges across NYC and the United States.” – Farhan Begum, High School Student Parent.

“Khan’s Tutorial helped me overcome the challenges of the SAT and helped me a lot with the college admissions process. I definitely recommend enrolling in Khan’s Tutorial for anyone who wants to get into a good school” – Jabir Rahman, Grade 12.

“Student loan debt is a crisis in America that is holding the middle class back from upward mobility. I personally don’t believe that college graduates should carry a lifetime of student loans and the financial paralysis that can result from that. We strongly support every child’s chance to apply for grants and scholarships that they will not have to repay. Avoid student loans and apply for grants and scholarships! We look forward to seeing every parent and student at September’s FREE College Workshops” urged CEO Dr. Ivan Khan.