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Khan’s Tutorial Online SHSAT Program Celebrates 182 Acceptances to Specialized High Schools!

Dr. Ivan Khan, Tasneem Khan MPH, and Mrs. Nayeema Khan with a Student celebrating their acceptance for Stuyvesant High School and a high score on the SHSAT.

New York, NY – May 11th, 2021 – Last week, the Specialized High School Admissions Test (SHSAT) results were released. These results determine the admissions into New York City’s specialized high schools. There are a total of 9 specialized high schools including Stuyvesant High School, Bronx High School of Science, Brooklyn Technical High School, etc. Every year approximately 30,000 students take this challenging exam and less than 2,500 students are accepted. 

The breakdown of KT’s acceptances in terms of schools are: 

Stuyvesant HS – 31 

Bronx HS of Science – 45 

Brooklyn Technical HS – 78 

Brooklyn Latin School – 10 

HS for Math, Science & Engineering at City College – 1 

HS of American Studies at Lehman College – 3 

Queens HS for the Sciences at York College – 13 

Staten Island Technical High School – 1 

Fiorello H. LaGuardia HS – 0 

So far this week KT’s Online SHSAT Program has helped 182 students get into their dream specialized high schools. One of the highest scoring students who was accepted to Stuyvesant High School with a score of 648 was Aronya Sarker and she said “I went to Khan’s(Online) when I was in 7th grade and I looked forward to attending every week. Their prep structure was really beneficial and taught me a lot. The online lessons and work were very well thought out. It showed me my weakness, my strengths, and always challenged me. I really liked the instructors and even when we switched to remote, they still prepared us just as well and made sure we didn’t slack off.” 

Hafsa Chowdhury who scored 598 and was accepted to Bronx High School of Science shared that “The online SHSAT program covered a variety of subjects and helped me feel prepared for the test. As I was doing the SHSAT workbooks, I was able to do all the problems correctly because of my KHANS INSTRUCTION and I received many tips from my instructors. When taking the exam, I was definitely prepared for it because khan’s continuously exposed me to these problems through their classwork and homework. Thanks to khan’s tutorial, I was successful in getting into my first choice for specialized high schools.” – Hafsa Chowdhury. 

Nadia Mahmud scored 512 and was offered admission at Brooklyn Technical High School. She said of her experience at Khan’s Tutorial, “Khan’s(Online) has really helped me grow and learn as a student. It

allowed me to focus on what I needed to improve at an excellent pace. Furthermore, the people there are always nice and friendly, and always ready to help! Their explanations are clear and easy to understand, making improving on my work (and being at Khan’s in general) a very enjoyable experience! Khan’s went over and reviewed the SHSAT topics very thoroughly, and I’m grateful for that because it introduced concepts that I didn’t know before (and otherwise not have known about if it weren’t for Khan’s) So overall, Khan’s tutorial really helped me improve in my studies and helped me get into an amazing school!” 

We are so proud of our students for getting into the top high schools in New York CIty. Khan’s Tutorial will continue calling back families this week to retrieve the rest of the scores with the number of offers expected to surpass 200 students again. 

The Online SHSAT program at Khan’s Tutorial (KT) is conducted year round with students starting classes 6-12 months before their exam. Since 1994, KT has helped over 4,150 students gain admission to these competitive schools. 

With more than 2,000 actively enrolled students in the outer boroughs of New York City, Queens, Brooklyn, the Bronx, and in states such as New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Florida, Texas, Washington DC, Khan’s Tutorial serves in helping families achieve upward mobility through enrichment programs, FREE workshops, and scholarships. Over 4,150 students have gained admission to New York City’s Specialized High Schools through Khan’s Tutorial since its inception in 1994.